Queer Theory Mobilised for Community?

Yesterday, Michael Stevens - a blogger for gaynz.com - posted Be Careful What You Wish For. This post was inspired by the greater number of gay and lesbian MPs we have in parliament after the election but went on to warn about whether we actually want to go down the path of assimilation or do we want to stay cowering in our gay ghettos? I find many things wrong with this post that I thought it best to direct my attention to short passages and then then write a few closing remarks.

Rather than assimilation, it sought a radical re-ordering of the entire social fabric. In its latest guise it has come to us as “Queer Theory”, which made a number of grossly inflated claims as to the importance of sexual identity. It is this last stance that sees all those of us who are outside the norms of mainstream sexual practice and identity as having a common ground to stand on and a common enemy to fight against: heterosexist patriarchal Capitalist society. And this common oppression is supposed to help us form our community.
This is so problematic I am not quite sure where to begin. Queer Theory - at least in the early forms - imagines no community. Butler has since changed her opinion since publishing Gender Trouble in 1990 but Queer Theory posits that there is no stable identity. If identity is ever-mutable then community also must similarly be mutable - if there is even such a thing as "community." We are made up of so many community affiliations that are so context-dependant: how can we possibly say which one dominates without taking in account the influences of the particular moment?

This passage also betrays a Marxist view of hegemonic heterosexuality. I would argue that Queer Theory is interested in deconstructing phenomena to see how power works in particular instances - whilst also considering the context of phenomena. Queer Theory does not aim to cause a revolution. Indeed, this is one of the problems with Marxism: there will never be a revolution and - if we are waiting for it to happen - we will become disillusioned and give up. Rather, we are better to make gradual change and realise what is changing whilst thinking about that change critically rather than spurting off some knee-jerk reaction.

As a post-modern theory, Queer Theory shares the abhorrence of meatanarratives. In a way, the Revolution is a metanarrative so itself should be critiqued - what is at stake in the Revolution? For whom? Could the Revolution be slower than we anticipated? Why do we want the Revolution? What is more, this kind of thinking leads to the progress narrative - itself a metanarrative - which leads to further victimisation - or a self-fulfilling prophecy of victim hood - and not appreciating what we have; progress narratives distract from the task of critiquing power relations. A further problem with metanarratives is that they distract by forcing us to focus on the past instead of taking account of that past, synthesising it with the present to create a future in which we would be happy to live; we are too busy looking back and pining for what has gone before rather than looking ahead to the future. We are not so much walking backwards into the future as we are stopped looking backwards into the past with shock and love.

What I suspect this assimilation, this normalisation of us as people will mean is this: the importance of sexual identity as a unifying bond that forms a community will weaken even more over time.
Whilst I kind of agree, we do not have a community based on "sexual identity." The only possible way we can conceive of such a community is creating one that seems so forced since there is no one else on this planet that has the same sexual identity as us. Indeed, our sexual identity changes over time and we have the opportunity to have multiple identifies. Which of our identities predominates - sexual, class, race, ability etc. It is important to remember that Queer Theory is interested in examining the intersection of different identities.

Our gay community was at its most productive, its strongest, its most challenging, its most exciting and vibrant when we were banded together in our gay ghettos, fighting for our rights, fighting against HIV and the prejudice it engenders and living lives that placed us on the outer of the mainstream.
Should we want to be living in our ghettos? This still buys into the structuralist binary of us/them. Instead, we should not be fighting to uphold the repressive categories but we should be working to abolish such categories altogether. I am left wondering just how much this opens a space for heterophobia. After all, if we want to keep our common difference this means we have to separate ourselves from the heterosexuals - we must then open the door to excluding heterosexuals from our lives and thereby introduce the spectre of heterophobia.

The need for us to exist as a distinct social entity will lessen and fade.
What is this need? Is it simply a nostalgic longing for what has faded? Was there ever a need for us to exist as a distinct social entity? I really don't believe so. Rather, there is a need for us to account for our difference - and the difference inherent in everybody - but we should not let this difference erect walls between ourselves and others. I think it is time for us to grow and evolve rather than wanting to sit in our little ghettos and stare at our navels as we push people away from us because they are different.



Today at morning tea, my colleague and I had an interesting chat. She said I was "like a movie" in that I had little fixed sense of self. She also told me that I pretend to be a committment phobe but what I - deep-down - wanted was a relationship; this, at least, is true.

I act differently in different situations. But, isn't it boring to act the same way constantly? Rather than showing weakness, does this not show strength in that I am following my beliefs - that there is not fixed, essential character - and that I am able to have fluid conceptions of essentials?


Isn't it Odd?

I was just playing with the map I have on iGoogle and was looking around at the area in which I grew up. It is funny but when you are young your life can be reduced to just one road without needing any concept of how that road fits together with other roads or how the places you used to visit in childhood are discontinuous islands of memory? It also seems that the memories of what you did there have also gone so you are only left with this feeling that you know a place but you can't remember it or why you know it; you have only the fragments of a life frittered away in endless days of summer.


And the Dust Settles

I can't believe how stupid students actually are! After this weekend's rampant show of idiocy. Here I take idiocy to mean any/all of: watching other students being idiots, back-chatting cops who waere probably already heckled, living in an area known for its disorderly behaviour, not following the instructions of people who are bigger and more heavily armed than you. I just hope that the University will take the threat of drunken idiots seriously.

A couple of years ago - I think it was - we had a Code of Conduct instated at the University. The ostensible reason for this was to give the University powers to deal with disorderly/illegal behaviour in house. However, the more important reason is to protect the Universities reputation. Not only is the reputation at stake here but also the reputation of an Otago degree. I think all those students convicted of offenses - and they should be punished and not just given a smack on the wrist - should also be expelled from the University; if they do not know how to behave as useful members of society then they should not be recognised as such by the leading university of that society.

To this end, I applaud OPSA barring anyone arrested on the night from Student's Association membership. I feel that OUSA should have taken more of a stand but - on a directive from NZUSA - they did not mention anything about the event at all. Here, again, NZUSA is at fault. They thought it would be better to play clean-up after the event rather than to have a position to which they could stick. Perhaps they were just waiting to see what happened but it does seem like very inept leadership to advise inaction from student governance.

It seems as if it is going to take drastic action to stop idiocy infecting Otago; perhaps Otago really does only create free drinking students.



After my last post I had thought of something that would have been quite interesting. At least for me but it has since buzzed out of my head. Since then I have been looking at the programme of the Melbourne International Arts Festival for this year. I went over there last year to see Peter Brook, Robert Wilson, and Barrie Kosky - among others. However, this year the programme seems boring. Although I am still paying off my trip from last year I was planning to go again this year. Or rather, I was planning to before I got a full-time job. At least there is still the chance of going next year.


Gears Turning

I am just wondering if I should have more stuff to say. Or perhaps I should be saying my stuff in only one or two outlets. Any thoughts?

Working Hard

I thought I would take a photo of my work on my break.


And the Polls Are Closing...

The polls for OUSA elections are closing in 15 minutes and I am starting to get nervous. Did No Confidence win?


Yesterday When?

Yesterday was such a pig of a day! I had been running round constantly from 1030 and only got a chance to stop for some food at 1730. However, after my dinner - a small bowl of noodles - I took part in a Queer Awareness Procession down Castle Street. It was actually quite fun. We even knocked on doors and passed out fridge magnets which bore the text "Who has homophobia stopped you knowing?" I was even lucky enough to wear the rainbow flag. Then, it was back to Allen Hall Theatre so I could review Lunchtime Theatre which - very luckily for me - had an evening performance this week. I finally ended up crawling into bed at around 1045.

I am now so exhausted with rehearsals this week and picking out costumes which drained me incredibly. I actually just want to go home and sleep...but I have a weekend of rehearsing ahead of me! Oh, can it get any better?


Photo Blogging

It is great that I have now connected my phone to my blog. Although I do worry that I will use up my storage space - there is always the danger of drunken posting...



We made this candle whilst drinking. Oh, the hilarity...


My Lantern

Or not...


UniQ Conference

I have just found this news item about the UniQ National Conference we held at Otago last weekend. Go Us!


They Say You Gain Life but Why Does it Have to Be so Hard?

I am currently quitting smoking. It isn't going too badly but I tripped badly in the weekend. After not smoking more than a couple of puffs - literally - per day I went out drinking with my friend and she is a smoker. Needless to say my strength was washed to oblivion by alcohol. Then at work today I had two whole cigarettes. Note to self: you feel much worse when you trip so why do you tempt yourself?

I have also been having breaks in the staff-room which has been good since it makes me feel more connected. This is a positive side-effect and I must use it more.



Well, I was told the template I was going to put up didn't quite fit with the theme of my blogs so I have settled for this one. There is still the personalisation to go with all blogs other than my library one. I am having so much fun...


And, Isn't it Fun?

So, it turns out I am going to have to put another template up here - silly things not working. I would also quite like a cigarette but have to be strong. On the upside, I am now feeling a lot less exhausted than I did yesterday which is fun, fun, fun...

New Blog

So, after editing the code for ages I can now actually put something in my blog. However, in a cruel twist of irony I have to go and do other things. Oh, I love work...


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